Friday, 5 December 2014
Ohsmar: Scratch Story
This is my scratch story on a sport called soccer
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Maths- By Oh s'mar, Kapri, Dontalian, Jazmine & Samantha
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Comapring 2 Bedrooms: By Oh s'mar
This is a venn diagram I made today comparing two bedrooms. I used lucid chart to make the venn diagram. The photos are by James Mollison
Friday, 31 October 2014
Phases of the moon: By Oh s'mar,Jacob S, Tamim and Joshua
This is Jacob S, Tamim, Joshua and I's presentation about the phases of the moon. We went to room 2 and presented our work.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Friday, 17 October 2014
Solar System Pargraphs: By Oh s'mar
The sun is the closest star to our planet.Without the sun we would not be able to live. The sun is what gives us time. Earth spins around on its axis so we get an equal share of daytime and night time. Earth’s atmosphere stops the speed of whatever comes into our atmosphere.There are 8 planets that spin in an orbit in our solar system. A universe is made of many galaxies.Our planets is one of many planets in the milky way galaxy. Scientists believe that constellations are a group of stars that form an image. Astronauts are planning to move to Mars for a year to see if humans can live there. They are also trying to travel to other planets. Way’s we get to space have changed in the last 20 years. Gravity makes us not go to space it keeps. The distance in space is called light years. Satellites are in space because before we did not have them and the phone calls we made did not go far so we sent satellites to get our calls to another part of earth.Space probes are also a peice of technology created by scientest. A probe is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information. Probes do not have astronauts living inside. Probes send data back to Earth for scientists to study. By learning about the solar system in our school we will be able to understand the ways of the universe. Our Idea of space exploration are getting better and better.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Holiday Reading: By Oh s'mar
Tom Gates
The author is L. Pichon
This is a comic book
I would recommend this book to Jacob S because he reads a lot of comics.
Friday, 26 September 2014 By Oh s'mar
Today I did a command game I learned that I can use lots of commands to catch something or make my way to the other side.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Friday, 19 September 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Apostrophe Challenge: Ohsmar
Today we had to do an apostrophe challenge and we had 3 slides to complete and fix up the mistakes and do a contraction.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
Tongan language week: Oh s'mar
Tongan Language Week by Oh S'Mar Bar on GoAnimate
This week is Tongan language week. This is my go animate on some of the fruit and vegetables in Tongan.
This week is Tongan language week. This is my go animate on some of the fruit and vegetables in Tongan.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Monday, 1 September 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Culture Research: By Oh s'mar
Today we had to reaserach about cultures and write a little bit of information on each source, then we had to put the link for the websites we went on to find our information
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Monday, 18 August 2014
Space Jump: By Oh s'mar
Today Tye and Naomi came to our school and did an act for us about Space Jump. They space jump was about an alien searching for non fiction books also she learned about imagination and creativity. We really enjoyed the show.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Why Is Facebook a Problem?: By Oh s'mar, Joshua & Juliano
Why is Facebook a problem?
First of all what is facebook?
facebook is a social media website where you can talk to many friends and family around the world. You can make a community group, pages or you can even play games and post stuff about what you’re doing to the world.
Facebook is a problem because people can get bullied and people put false information about you. Facebook also causes you viruses because you might click on a scam and it could instantly download.
Facebook has lots of scam that people click on that can put a virus on their computer. Facebook is becoming a problem because theres a lot of underage people.
A program that is designed to harm a computer by deleting data, ruining files, and that can be spread secretly from one computer to another
Facebook is problem because people are starting to swear a lot and people will might copy of what they say. Sometimes it distracts you by doing your chores or homework. People when you get in a fight with someone they can contact you down and they know where you live.
There are even hackers that can hack your facebook account and write scams . Sometimes some people just bully their own cousins just to make other people laugh and add them.
People are worrying more about facebook than the world around us.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Migration paragraphs: By Oh s'mar and Halatoa
Respect Migration Multicultural Ideas Culture Adapt change Society Beliefs Population Diverse Harmony.
In New Zealand our population lives in harmony. We need to respect other people’s cultures and not making fun of how they look or how the speak, we need to not laugh at them when we they pronounce something wrong. We have to show tolerance when someone is talking. We are lucky that people from other cultures come with their food ideas to New Zealand.
This is halatoa and my Migration paragraph we had to use all the highlighted words and put them in a sentence.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Oh s'mar:Holiday reading - Make a recommendation
Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief
The author is Rick Riordan
This is a Fantasy book
I would recommend this book to Joshua because he likes these books and he likes fantasy.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Monday, 30 June 2014
Term 2 Fotor By Oh s'mar
This is my term 2 fotor that I did today we had to do a fotor on our time at term 2 as you can see we went to the botanic gardens and we did jam bus
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Comparing Matriki and Diwali By Oh s'mar
Today we had to make a lucidchart on comparing Matariki and Dwiali As you can see Matariki and Diwali have different things. And in the middle it is what they both do or have that are the same.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Pourquoi Framework: Oh s'mar & Joshua
How samoa got more food each dayBack, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young there were a couple living on the island of samoa. On the island of samoa there were wonderful beaches and beautiful sunsets. Well the problem was that in Samoa people didnt get that much oxygen or food. Most people would complain about eating the same thing everyday fish. Everyone in Samoa would eat fish.Each day the the population of fish was going down and that means people wouldn’t get that much to eat. The fishes were dying each day the environment was getting worser and worser. One day the population of fish were so low that they could only eat one fish a day.It was getting worse it was like disaster. One family could only eat 1 fish per day now because of that the population of fishes were getting to its minimum populationOne day the couple discovered seeds while on there way to get a fish.They put it in their pockets and walked back home. She planted it and took care of it. Each day she would check on it and it would get bigger and bigger. When It grew you could see banna’s. The second tree she planted had coconuts. The third tree she planted gave gave them more oxygen. Each day she planted more and more trees and soon everyone had more things to eat.The lesson that they learnt were to take care of the environment and that they should have always looked for something that can make more food
Monday, 26 May 2014
Bias Paragraph By Oh s'mar
Bias can change the way we look at Things.There are two types of bias they are subjective and objective. Subjective means when your opinion is influenced by the past. objective means you don’t allow bias to affect your judgement in the story of the three little pigs, I think the wolf is seen as a bad person. If my opinion was objective I think the wolf wasn't bad because he tried to eat them I think he was only hungry. But if my opinion was subjective I know that the wolf is a bad person because he had destroyed two houses.
I did a bias paragraph on the 3 little pigs. I used the pee chain to help me finish the bias paragraph.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
3 Pigs Summary- Oh s'mar, Robbie & Tim
The Story Of The 3 Little Pigs
Three pigs moved out. They Built their own homes. A wolf came along. Destroyed 2 houses. But got killed by 3rd Little Pig. Mission Accomplished!
Wolf making birthday cake. Got a cold. Ran out of sugar. Went to the neighbors house. Sneezed down 2 homes.
Ate 2 pigs. 3rd pig refused to give sugar.
A viewpoint is: Someones and your opinion
Bias is: Giving an opinion on something
How do viewpoint affect stories? It could cause trouble in real life because some stories have a problems and people might think it could be in real life and have different opinions
Yesterday we did 2 summary's on the three little pigs to see the different view points. The different view points the first one was the three pigs building their own houses and the other one was when the wolf had got to jail It had to be in 25 words. Me, Tim & Robbie were in partners we had to think real hard to put a whole story into 25 words.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Thursday, 17 April 2014
My Book From Tamaki Library By Oh s'mar
I am reading a story called Break Point and it is by Kate Jamiet I got this book from a website called it has many books and you can borrow it or download it. Some books you can put your ear phones and it will read for you.
Duffy Assembly By Oh s'mar
Yesterday Peter and Mary from the kippenberger came to our school to tell us a story and chose some people to do the act and it was fun because two boys had to be an old lady and she said some parts of the story funny.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Identity Crew Visit By Oh s'mar
Yesterday the Identity Crew performed for us and danced for us. They did some amazing tricks and flips. My favourite part was when they did the flips and their tricks. Thank you Jackie and the c3 church for letting us watch the Identity crew do their amazing tricks. The Identity said a message and it was to follow our dreams.
Art Reflection By Tamim & Oh s'mar
Art Reflection
For art today we were making a drawing , we used reflection, translation and symmetry. Oh’Smar and I made a Koru and a flower beside it. Then we colored it and put it together. Oh‘Smar did the warm colors which are red, orange, yellow and gold, Tamim did the cool colors which are dark blue, light blue and Green. We chose to do translation and rotation. Our Art Took a 60 degree turn clockwise. 
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Oh s'mar-Poetry Rubric
This is my poetry rubric as you can see I still need more practise on my eye contact, knowledge of the poem and expression/ loud clear voice The blue highlighted ones are the ones that i need to practise on
Friday, 28 March 2014
My Xtra Maths Results Oh s'mar
This Is My Xtra Maths Results As you can see I got 6 wrong and those are the ones I need to practise.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Friday, 21 March 2014
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Blake: Writing Tool Kit
This Is My Writing Toolkit blake has worked together on this this is a toolkit that helps us with our work and makes us get to the next level and getting new ideas
Monday, 17 March 2014
My Results On Cybersmart Quiz By Oh s'mar
This is my results as you can see I got them al right and that I am cybersmart. If you get under 10 that means your not safe online.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
My Unique Blog Explanation by Oh s'mar
My Unique Blog
As strange as it may seem did you know that my blog is three years old and that the whole world can see my work that reflects to my personality. I show the work that I am capable of.
My blog helps me, people and teachers to learn about stuff, create stuff and share it around the global. You can give feedback to other peoples blog and and share great work with them so they can create and share it to other people.
It shows all the great progress I have done since then. My blog is very unique to me because it is my personal website. I can show my ideas and opinion onto my blog. You can show your thinking anyway you want and any place and any place.
My blog is like a book that I can see what i did in the past because if I didn't have a blog then I wouldn't be able to look back what I did in the past because.
Overall there are a lot of blogs around the whole world the blogs are all different and it reflects back to the people with blogs around the world. There are about 27 blogs in room 9 P.B.S.
My Reading History By Oh s'mar
This Is My Reading history these are the books that i have read at the past and now.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Friday, 21 February 2014
My Popplet on Friends By Oh s'mar
This Is My friends popplet and our class had to learn about friends and make a popplet on it
My Xtra Maths Results By Oh s'mar
This is my results on Xtra Maths I got 1 wrong and I think I need to practise a little bit more and type faster so i can pass the addition level as you can see I got alot of my answers write.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
My Weekly Number Challenge By Oh s'mar
Today’s Number:
Write it in words
Six Hundred and twenty four ✓
Write it as an expanded number
600+20=4 ✓
Add 3
627 ✓
+ 25
649 ✓
Subtract 5
619 ✓
- 17
Next 3 even numbers
626, 628, 630 ✓
Double it
1248 ✓
Last 4 odd numbers
623, 621, 619, 617✓
Half of it
312 ✓
10% of it is
25% of it is
⅓ of it is
Multiply by 6
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6
When you have completed this task post it to your blog. Don’t forget to write an explanation of what you had to do.
This Is my weekly challenge for maths as you can see i got all of them right it will take a while to do it.
Current Events By Oh s'mar & Loti
Visit Kiwi Kids News
L.I: Find and summarise information about a current event
I have found the who, what, when, where, why, and how
I have used my own words to retell what the article is about
Here is the link to your article:
TITLE: New tool to keep kids safe online
WHEN: This event happened on Thursday 13 February 2014
WHO: Children at Tawa school
WHERE: This happened at Tawa school
WHAT: The teachers at Tawa school found a new site
WHY or HOW it happened: So people can be cybersmart
What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article?
The author wanted us to learn that there is a new site that makes you cybersmart.
List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.
Commissioner: Member of a commision
Privacy: The state of being private
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Monday, 17 February 2014
Friendship Qualities By Oh s'mar & Robbie
Friday, 14 February 2014
Monday, 10 February 2014
Spelling Challange W2T1: Oh s'mar
This is my spelling challange for W2T1 I have to write syllables I really enjoy this activity
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