
Monday 8 July 2013

My Argument On Should Panmure Bridge School have a cafeteria

Should Panmure Bridge have a Cafeteria.


I believe that Panmure Bridge School should not have a cafeteria because there might be some food that people are not allowed to eat such as  pork and beef. The cafeteria might cook fries but they might use pork fat and the children wouldn't know that they have eaten.

1st Theme: Cost
Firstly, the cafeteria might cost more money. I have been to a cafeteria and it was 2 dollars for a fizzy drink but in the dairy it is only 1 dollar. Also the cafeteria may sell a chocolate ice cream 5 dollars and the dairy could sell it for 1 dollar. So that is why we should not have a cafeteria so you could save  money as a consumer.

2nd Theme: Allergic
Students from the Muslim faith are not allowed to eat pork products and students from the Hindu faith are not allowed to eat beef . If the cafeteria were selling sausage rolls made from pork and beef I would not be allowed to eat them. Students might not know what they are eating if they purchased food from the cafeteria. This could be a waste of money. If I ate pork products that were sold at the cafeteria then I would have to pray a lot and make God forgive me. Cafeteria might would need to be aware of student allergies especially around nuts, eggs and certain foods.  

3rd Theme: Thief:

Thirdly I believe that Panmure Bridge School should not have a cafeteria because people might get jealous and steal your food from you and leave you with no lunch. Also it allows students to steal money.

Overall I believe that Panmure Bridge School should not have a cafeteria because students might not be able to afford the food from the cafeteria and then you could save your money and you can make your own lunch. Also if the students were Muslims they might not be allowed to eat pork or beef, I believe that Panmure Bridge School should not have a cafeteria because some people might get jealous and steal your food and it could be a waste of food and money. These are my reasons that we should not have a cafeteria at Panmure Bridge School

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